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Considering the Abortion Pill? 5 Reasons to Start Here Before Visiting a CVS or Planned Parenthood.

As women, few things can be more overwhelming than navigating an unexpected pregnancy. In today’s society, there is the added pressure of trying to process everyone’s opinions regarding women’s reproductive rights and bodily autonomy. You may even feel rushed to make a decision quickly. Choosing where to seek help first is crucial; your choices can impact your life and have

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Miscarriage Blog post

Searching Can I Cause a Miscarriage at Home?

Your pregnancy test revealed the terrifying truth — the birth control failed, and you’re now pregnant. What do you do? Maybe you don’t have the money for an abortion, and you are researching DIY abortion methods and how to induce or cause a miscarriage at home. Contact Hope Resource Center to learn more about spontaneous abortion, pregnancy options, what to

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7 Questions to Ask if You’re Pregnant

If you’re pregnant or think you might be, we know it can be filled with uncertainty, even if your pregnancy was planned. We want to help you by answering questions women ask when they think they may be pregnant or are experiencing an unexpected pregnancy. When Should I Take a Test? According to the Cleveland Clinic, you can receive a

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Is Abortion Pill Regret Real?

Facing an unexpected pregnancy is an emotionally, physically, and mentally taxing experience. It’s a deeply personal decision created from the unexpected nature of the situation and its challenging circumstances. While some women initially feel relief with their choice, others immediately grapple with persistent feelings of regret. These emotional repercussions can linger for years or even a lifetime. Stories of Abortion

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a woman holding her adopted baby

Choosing Between Adoption and Abortion | Kara’s Story

From my earliest memories, I always felt like I was on a journey, bouncing from home to home due to my parents’ remarriages and my stepdad’s military service. As a result, my relationship with my biological father was distant, and my stepdad’s military bearing cast shadows over my formative years. As a teenager, I was the girl next door with

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two women on campus walking and talking together

Back to School Checklist for Women On Campus

Starting college can be an exciting time in your life, with many networking and career growth opportunities. However, college safety is an important aspect that students, especially women on campus, must not neglect Here are a few college safety tips you can use on campus. Make Use Of Your Campus Security Services Every college has a campus security office, which

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